Mommy Time
A Ministry for Single Moms

Mommy Time is a ministry of Shiloh Christian Church that seeks to serve mothers who face the challenge of parenting alone. Acknowledging that single mothers have unique circumstances in their lives, Mommy Time endeavors to provide an affirming and supportive community where they can connect and grow. The lessons and principles taught at Mommy Time are biblically based and designed to minister to the entire woman: body, soul, and spirit. We offer life lessons that include, but are not limited to: career and educational advice, parental training, financial literacy, basic technology skills, and spiritual enrichment. Mommy Time is open to single mothers from all walks of life.
Mommy Time meets one Saturday per month from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. While mothers are in Mommy Time, the church offers Princess Club for girls and Champions Club for boys ages 4-12. Meeting dates are posted on the church’s web site.