We invite you to join in Shiloh’s March Madness program for 2016 – 31 DAYS of PRAISE
“If you’re just beginning to praise and worship, you’re on the threshold of a great adventure. You’ll find that your gracious, mighty, and majestic God is delightful beyond imagining. You’ll discover what a high privilege it is to praise Him! And whether you’re a beginner or someone who has long understood the benefits of praise, you’ll find that the more you glorify the Lord, the more He will refresh you and deepen your experience of Him.” - Ruth Myers
March 7th:
Lord I Come to Lift Up Your Name by Mark Condon
This song makes me cry. It's the epitome of a worship song because it's all about Him and how worthy He is!
-Denise Kirk
March 8th:
Overflow by Israel Houghton
It resonates with me.
-Patricia Carroll
March 9th:
Your Grace is Enough by Chris Tomlin
Every time I hear this song I think of how much the grace of God plays a part in every aspect of our lives. We are saved by grace, kept by grace, given favor because of grace, minister in grace.
-Pastor Paul Hylton
March 10th:
Chasing After You Vashawn Mitchell
I love the music, the lyrics, and I feel like it really reflects my heart and desire.
-Danielle Harrison
March 11th:
Faith by Jason Upton
This song really spoke to how to move forward in times of brokenness. It talks about getting back to the foundation of our relationship with God which is faith and trust.
- Sean Bennett
March 12th:
You're Welcome Here by The Singleton
I LOVE the music to it and I love how the song welcomes in the Holy Spirit and lyrics come straight from the Bible.
- Julievette Santiago
March 13th:
Praise is What I Do by William Murphy
I've love this song. It represents why we were created and through good and bad I vow to praise Him - Debra Harrison
As I'm drumming, I get overwhelmed in worship and I feel as if The Holy Spirit speaks to me and I'm not afraid to worship...I focus on Jesus and the words of the song - Collin Gordon